Regular price $390 USDYou saw her first; she walked by you and her long silky hair almost touched your face. Your knees went weak and you thought: “oh, if only!” She was different, the kind that you marry and build an empire for, a woman that you make the mother of your children.
You looked after her and saw that she also turned around to have a better look at you. She looked embarrassed when your eyes met, but not a moment later she turned around again, and so did you, but this time she smiled.
What makes a woman notice a man, what causes that deep inexplicable attraction that a woman can feel for a man; that internal pull that even she does not understand, yet is unable to resist?
What really turns a woman on? It’s a paradox of sensing danger and being willing to step into it and yet feel protected, it’s an absurdity of the desire to go beyond what’s conventionally acceptable, and not caring if she is judged for it; it’s the palpable assurance that she will be fulfilled, and the knowing that she will have to earn it.
In a nutshell, it’s the instinctive knowing that he will make her feel truly, deeply alive to the core of her being, probably like she has never felt before. She simply cannot allow this opportunity to slip by, as she may never get this chance again. She knows that her Soul will be safe with him.
The truth of the matter is that most men are capable of eliciting this kind of reaction from a woman. It is a matter of re-prioritizing the expression of your own pheromone molecules.
There are several pheromone molecules that comprise the masculine smell, and all men have them.
Our new formula HIEROS GAMOS (Sacred Union) will enhance the ones that are responsible for the “alpha” male and the sexual attraction scents.
This can increase the feeling of self assuredness and confidence in the man, while stimulating the neural receptors responsible for primal sexual attraction in the women in his close proximity.
The main benefit of Hieros Gamos is the fact that its effects will be the strongest on females with the most compatible genetics to the wearer’s DNA.
The HIEROS GAMOS perfume will revolutionize dating the same way that CLOUT has revolutionized personal success.
HIEROS GAMOS will be available in a limited amount in the Spring of 2023. If you would like to receive an advance notice of the launch date, please sign up here: