The human body is a very intelligent organism that self monitors, self manages and adapts to the environment and the life cycle.

Our bodies naturally produce and emit via the skin the odour and non-odour related chemicals called volatile organic compounds, more often referred to as human pheromones.

Pheromones are substances that serve as catalysts for our sixth sense. Each person we encounter gives off a unique olfactory signature of these virtually scentless chemicals, which affect us primarily on a subconscious level.

These chemicals act as messengers and relay to us information about a person’s specific attributes such energy level, temperament, social status, health, fertility, psychological outlook, and others that formulate our unique identity. It is through this chemosensory link that we relate to others in our proximity.

Each one of us has a cluster of highly sensitive cells in our nose that picks-up and discerns the faint natural scent of every person that we come in close contact with.

Our conscious senses are seen as the less important element in human interactions and in bringing people together. Scent, by the way of human pheromones is seen as equally, or possibly more important link in the biology of inter-personal and societal network connections.

The olfactory introduction presented by our pheromones is like an invisible handshake with the people in our proximity. That “handshake” can be vibrant, warm, confident and strong, or limp, moist, spongy and insecure.

That first impression etches itself in the perception of the others forever, regardless of how much we try to compensate for it.

After our bodies reach maturity, our physiological functions remain at a high level for a number of years and then gradually start to slow-down from about late twenties on.

Additionally, due to our lifestyle choices and the unavoidable exposure to chemicals in our environment, food and grooming products, our natural olfactory expression becomes vague, ambiguous, obscured and weakened.

CLOUT, to the best of our knowledge, is the only proven formula on the market today that can selectively and gradually cleanse, purify and amplify the expression of the social dominance markers in the wearer’s own olfactory signature.

There are two main reasons why we do not offer samples of our products.

First of all, the effect of CLOUT perfume is progressive and gradual, meaning that it gets stronger with longer use. Consequently, the results, after using a small amount available in a sample size, would be negligible.

Secondly, the key ingredients are very scarce and difficult to obtain. Due to the pent-up demand, we want to be able to provide as many bottles to our patient loyal customers as possible.

The CLOUT formula has had a cult-like following due to its proven efficacy since the late 1970’s. It is only recently that we have secured enough of the rare and scarce ingredients to produce a limited amount of the perfume to make it available to the general public.

There is a pent-up demand for the product and we want to make sure that as many of our patient customers as possible benefit from this availability and can acquire some perfume for themselves.

We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our business, so if there is a mechanical issue with the product, such as the malfunctioning of the spray element, or leakage of the perfume, we will gladly replace that bottle.

Total and absolute satisfaction of our customers is our company’s top objective.

CLOUT formula works consistently on cleansing and purifying the wearer’s own expression of their social dominance olfactory markers. The results intensify gradually with continuous use.

Based on our studies and the reports from our customers, after several applications, they can sense a subtle increase in personal energy and confidence. Then, they start noticing more open and accepting responses to their ideas and suggestions from others around them. Eventually, their charisma and magnetism increase to the point of receiving almost automatic respect and attracting people and opportunities.

Please read our customer testimonials for more examples.