The Power of CLOUT

Most of us have been in social or business situations where someone in the group commands respect and authority just by their presence. When they choose to speak everybody listens intently, and when others speak, they aim for the “authority’s” approval or acknowledgement. We regard these people as having “clout”.

If you are one of those people, congratulations! However, if you find that you don’t get the response or even the respect that you would like, maybe it is CLOUT by MAX VON RAAB that you are missing.

CLOUT perfume is a proprietary formula that interacts with your natural skin chemistry and amplifies the expression of your own social dominance pheromones.

Spraying on CLOUT by MAX VON RAAB can make a big difference in your life, as it can generate a favorable response towards you from those in your close proximity.

The CLOUT formula has been invented in the late 70’s by a Russian scientist and used by a closed circle of men who rose to great prominence. It has been available in the West for about 10 years, but in very small quantities, due to the scarcity and the difficulty of obtaining the key ingredients.

Recently, we have been able to secure a larger quantity of the precious ingredients and we are able to offer a small number of bottles to the general public.

For a long time the sense of smell in humans was considered to be of lesser importance than the other 4 senses. Thankfully, science has been playing catch-up and today there are many prominent scientists from some of the best universities in the world that have confirmed the importance and robustness of our sense of smell.

In 2006, a team of neuroscientists, led by Noam Sobel of the University of California, Berkeley have found that even though humans have fewer genes that encode smell receptors than do other animals, we compensate for this with an improved ability to analyze scent information with our large brains.

For thousands of years our sense of smell has helped us to survive, because it is enmeshed in our brains with memory, instinct, mating and a sense of danger.

Some of the most important smell processing parts in humans are: the vomeronasal organ (VNO), cranial nerve 0, and the amygdala.

  • The VNO is located in the nose and it contains specialized sensory neurons that recognize chemical signals involved in initiating instinctive olfactory-mediated behavioral responses.
  • Cranial nerve 0, also called the terminal nerve (nervus terminalis), is a thin plexus of unmyelinated fibers that is crucial in sensing pheromones and other vestigial scents in humans.
  • The amygdala is a brain structure that is essential for decoding emotions, and stimuli that are threatening to the organism. Amygdala is a place where cognitive and emotional experiences meet, causing instinctive reactions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) based on sensory input.

What this means is that we are very well equipped to recognize even the faintest of odors and to be guided by our ancient sense of smell. In our more complex society, we still respond to primitive emotions even if they are now irrational.

CLOUT has a sub-cognitive effect and is capable of producing a sense of authority that can resonate with ancient neural pathways of those in close proximity without them being aware of the true nature of the stimulus, nor its presence being consciously recognized.

During our double blind market test, 97% of participants spanning the ages from 23 to 56 and all socioeconomic spheres experienced significant positive changes in their social and business interactions.

Here are some of their comments:

“Since I started using CLOUT, I have a heightened sense of energy, willingness, & motivation. Better outlook on life. Feeling more that I am in control and like I’m on top of the world.”

Patrick P.

“Before, most co-workers and bosses would ignore me and try to avoid interaction, but now I find much more of an openness and interest in what I have to say.”

Spencer P.

“I’ve noticed that I am getting more respect from other men, I also feel a stronger masculine awareness and it's refreshing.”

Brad B.

CLOUT has a cumulative effect, so the signs may be subtle at first, but they get stronger the longer you use it.

However, before you rush out to buy it, you should know that there is a condition that you have to meet before you can buy your own bottle.

You have to agree to comply with the “CLOUT Commitment” that demands that you use your new-found authority towards advancing only positive ventures, endeavors and pursuits with the intent of benefiting humanity. As there is no way to monitor compliance, you will be making this commitment on your personal honor.

If you are prepared to commit to yourself; go ahead and claim the life that you deserve.

CLOUT…the scent of social dominance!